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Admission Form
Welcome Booklet
Preschool Policies
9.1 Safeguarding children- Children’s rights and entitlements. 4
9.2 Safeguarding children, Young people and Vulnerable Adults. 13
9.3 Responding to safeguarding or child protection concerns. 27
9.4 Safeguarding children- Looked after children. 52
9.7 Staff, Volunteer and Student Policy. 64
9.9 Food Safety and Nutrition. 87
9.10 Health and Safety Policy. 103
9.11 Fire Safety and Fire Evacuation. 140
9.13 Valuing Diversity and Promoting inclusion and equality. 147
9.14 Supporting children with Special Educational Needs. 159
9.18 Early Years Practice Policy. 193
9.19 Working in partnerships with other agencies. 238
9.22 Sun Protection Policy. 249
9.23 Online Safety (Inc Mobile phones, smartwatches, Cameras and Acceptable use) 251
9.25 Code of conduct for Staff, Visitors and Volunteers at preschool 259
9.28 Online Learning Books. 266
9.29 Staff working with their own children or close relation policy. 268
9.31 Staff Code of Conduct 276
9.32 Emergency Closure Policy. 279
9.33 GDPR – (Data protection Regulation Policy) 281
9.34 Additional Service Charge. 287
9.35 Late Collections – Afterschool club and Preschool Provision. 289
9.36 Peer on Peer Abuse- Child Protection. 291
9.37 Staff Sickness and Absence Policy. 297
9.38 Privacy Notice Policy. 303
9.40 Staff wellbeing policy. 310
.1 Safeguarding children- Children’s rights and entitlements. 4
9.2 Safeguarding children, Young people and Vulnerable Adults. 13
9.3 Responding to safeguarding or child protection concerns. 27
9.4 Safeguarding children- Looked after children. 52
9.5 Missing Children. 57
9.6 Employment 62
9.7 Staff, Volunteer and Student Policy. 64
9.8 Health Policy. 70
9.9 Food Safety and Nutrition. 85
9.10 Health and Safety Policy. 97
9.11 Fire Safety and Fire Evacuation. 132
9.12 No Smoking. 137
9.13 Valuing Diversity and Promoting inclusion and equality. 139
9.14 Supporting children with Special Educational Needs. 151
9.15 Parental Involvement 161
9.16 Record keeping. 165
9.17 Children’s Records. 167
9.18 Early Years Practice Policy. 185
9.19 Working in partnerships with other agencies. 226
9.20 Making a complaint 233
9.21 Asthma. 235
9.22 Sun Protection Policy. 237
9.23 Online Safety (Inc Mobile phones, smartwatches, Cameras and Acceptable use) 239
9.24 Fees and Funding. 245
9.25 Code of conduct for Staff, Visitors and Volunteers at preschool 247
9.26 Nut Free Policy. 251
9.27 Babysitting Policy. 253
9.28 Online Learning Books. 254
9.29 Staff working with their own children or close relation policy. 256
9.30 Information sharing. 258
9.31 Staff Code of Conduct 265
9.32 Emergency Closure Policy. 268
9.33 Annual Leave Policy. 270
9.34 GDPR – (Data protection Regulation Policy) 272
9.35 Additional Service Charge. 278
9.36 Late Collections – Afterschool club and Preschool Provision. 280
9.37 Peer on Peer Abuse- Child Protection. 282
9.38 Staff Sickness and Absence Policy. 288
9.39 Privacy Notice Policy. 294
9.40 Biting Policy. 299
9.41 Staff wellbeing policy. 301
Settling in Procedure
Afterschool and Holiday club Admission form
Statuory Framework
Ofsted Report Feb 2023
Parents guide to EYFS