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Little Pippins Preschool aims to create an environment which promotes and safeguards the welfare of children. We have a duty of care to refer any allegation, complaint or concern received relating to a child to Social Services or the police. A copy of our Safeguarding Children Policy and Procedures can be found in our policies and procedures folder, of which a copy is available to loan.
If you are at all worried about a child, please take a look at the government guidelines - attached file 'What to do if you are worried about a child is being abused'. On loan at preschool, or link on website
We aim to provide a good, safe and secure environment for the child, and conform with the Pre-school Learning Alliance
guidelines for health, hygiene and safety. We have at least two trained first aiders on duty at any time and all staff and parents are made aware of the accident book.
Before the start of each session Little Pippins preschool carries out a detailed by risk assessment of both the indoor and outdoor areas and equipment. We also ensure that all food preparation areas are thoroughly cleaned and that all children and adults wash
their hands before handling food.
A member of staff is allocated to door duty at the beginning and end of each session. After parents have left at the start of the session, the inner door is secured so the children cannot gain access to the car park. Similarly the outside play area is securely enclosed by fencing and, when the outdoor area is in use there is always two member of staff supervising.
Little Pippins preschool also carries out fire drill practices on a regular basis.
All staff (and all members of the committee) are DBS checked at enhanced level.