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The Woodland Way Forest Schools

The Woodland Way bring Forest School experiences to your children. They offer engaging, outdoor learning experiences for children aged between 2-4 years. The children at Little Pippins have the opportunity to go and experience forest schools when they are in their final year with us aged 3-4 years.
Alison and Helen have been working with us since 2017 and offering our children experiences to engage and delight the children and extend their learning to the outdoors. They believe they being in and engaging in the outdoor environment, particularly one which includes trees, will greatly enhance a person's wellbeing. By touching, seeing, hearing and sometimes tasting the incredible world that we often miss outdoors, it can bring vital senses of calm and joy.
They foster an environment of "have a go" which allows children to push their own learning further and want children know that theie best selves can be found in every challenge they undertake and every new activity they try.
Forest schools usually starts around January on Monday and Tuesdays.

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